The Capables – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Capables off broadway

The Capables – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Photos by Hunter Canning

The Capables’ set is itself “almost worth the price of admission” says The New York Times. Unfortunately, the operative word in that sentence is almost.

This play is about a family struggling to address the mother’s hoarding disorder. They enlist the help of a reality television program and, to no one’s surprise, it does not go well.

Parallels between the disorder and the play were all too easy for critics to draw: “sloppy and overstuffed” (The New York Times), “messy” (Off Off Online), and “Clearly, it’s not just Anna who can’t throw anything out: The scenes meander pointlessly” (New York Post). We can’t offer anything to contradict these conclusions. It’s too long, whole scene appear without purpose, and the dénouement is not satisfying.

But we concur about the set. Piles upon piles of colorful trinkets, happy meal boxes, stuffed animals, VHS tapes, clothes, books, and other knick-knacks form a sea of stuff that undulates across the stage. The pictures above hardly do it justice.


The Gym at Judson
243 Thompson Street (at Washington Square South), NYC

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Approximately 2.5 hours with one intermission


$18 (click for tickets)


Performances through August 3


Mildly Bitter’s Musings
“Reality” on Stage: Nobody Loves You & The Capables

New York Post
It’s over the hoarder-line

New York Theatre Review

New York Times
A Hoarder Even Finds Room for a TV Crew; In ‘The Capables,’ Reality TV Is Used for an Intervention

Off Off Online
An All-Around Messy Situation

Theater Pizzazz
The Capables – Hoarders vs. Collectors

Theatre Is Easy

Time Out

(partial list)

Written by Jay Stull

Directed by Stefanie Abel Horowitz

Featuring: Jessie Barr, Dana Berger, Charles Browning, Katie Eisenberg, David J. Goldberg, Hugh Sinclair, Dale Soules, Micah Stock, and Max Woertendyke


The Gym at Judson